
Hunt is on for quality trusts

(November 2006) In the days following Finance Minister Jim Flaherty’s announcement that income trusts would face similar taxation levels as corporations, the markets reacted with their characteristic good sense: a mass sell-off of the affected asset, followed by an immediate — albeit partial — rebound in prices. Having time to digest the news, market analysts […]

By Steven Lamb |November 10, 2006

4 min read

Lifting the hood

(November 2006) You invest in mutual funds, good, solid, long-only investments that everyone can understand. No surprises, no mystery. Market goes up — money is made. Market goes down — well, the fund’s active manager has presumably preserved wealth through defensive (tactical) positioning. Plain and simple. Not so fast! Did you know that your plain-vanilla, […]

By Pierre Saint-Laurent |October 31, 2006

5 min read

5th Annual Dollars and Sense: Managed money gains traction

(October 2006) It appears the popularity of outsourcing investment decisions has surged. In our 2005 Dollars & Sense Survey, 28% of respondents said they were selling or recommending managed products. This year, the number has climbed to 43%. “I am a big proponent of asset management programs — 90% of my book is in them,” […]

By Steven Lamb |October 12, 2006

5 min read

Norshield report to come in September

(August 2006) The potential recoveries aren’t looking any better for Olympus hedge fund investors, nor is the principal cooperating quite as much as he has privately told investors, says RSM Richter in its latest update. Richter is the receiver for the whole Norshield complex of hedge funds and private equity investments. Canadian retail investors put […]

By Scot Blythe |August 8, 2006

8 min read