
Since You Asked: Defining alternatives

(June 2007) is pleased to introduce a new monthly investment column by Pierre Saint-Laurent. “Since You Asked” will answer advisor frequently-asked questions concerning investments. Many advisors get confused by what alternative investments entail. Typically, one associates alternative investments, or alts for short, with hedge funds. However, there is much more to alts than just […]

By Pierre Saint-Laurent |June 18, 2007

4 min read

Manor says Portus money

(May 2007) Boaz Manor denied he was the owner of Portus Alternative Asset Management, despite sworn documents filed with the Ontario Securities Commission Management, says a special report filed by receiver KPMG. However, KPMG does not believe Manor is credible. “Now I know that a lot of things that I’m saying are fantastic in nature. […]

By Scot Blythe |May 18, 2007

4 min read

Risk is not a number

(May 2007) Although using models of expected returns to guide portfolio construction is the starting point for any investor forgoing the certainty of a T-bill return, “the equations cannot always describe the true nature of competition and combat” in the securities marketplace, warns doyen of investment management studies Peter Bernstein. Nevertheless, “theory matters even though […]

By Scot Blythe |May 4, 2007

5 min read

New trends in hedge funds

(April 2007) Alternative investments signify a fast-moving, opportunity-driven world. Now there’s alternative beta. Yes, alternative beta, as in the Capital Asset Pricing Model alpha and beta. You may remember the concepts of alpha and beta from studying CAPM in school. That’s when you were told that returns come from two sources (roughly speaking): Beta, or […]

By Pierre Saint-Laurent |April 4, 2007

4 min read