
Experts discuss risk

Clients witnessed risk in action in 2008, but have these lessons lingered? Risk is a layered concept. Although individual investors—even high net worth clients—acknowledge their balance sheets, do they truly recognize the forces behind them or even their own risk thresholds?

By Terri Goveia |January 1, 2011

14 min read

Looking beyond the U.S.

A fragile recovery, high unemployment and household indebtedness make America a friend in need. But as a country known more for permanent interests than friends, the U.S. is being increasingly seen as a poor choice for friendship.

By Vikram Barhat |January 1, 2011

5 min read

Financials in 2011

This past year has been interesting for financials. After the recession in 2008, bank rescues and profits led markets to recovery in 2009 as writedowns on bad loans began to slow and lending activity resumed.

By Andrew Zamfotis |January 1, 2011

3 min read

Currency, alternative asset class or negative-sum game?

The debate over whether currency is a stand-alone asset class — or a quick ticket to a loss — is understandably complicated. Between 2002 and 2007, currency exhibited low correlation with equity. As a result, the argument for currency as a stand-alone asset class — or at the very least an alternative asset class — was strong.

By Rayann Huang |January 1, 2011

6 min read