News and resources for Canada's top financial advisors
Economic Indicators
This is the second of a three-part report on IHS Global Insight’s discussion on the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis. Economic growth in Europe will be sluggish and uneven in 2011, according to Howard Archer, chief European and U.K economist for IHS Global. In a recent webcast, he pointed to the slowdown in the third quarter […]
By Dean DiSpalatro |January 21, 2011
3 min read
Two of Fidelity’s top investment strategists recently weighed in on the 2011 outlook for the fund company’s annual ‘Straight Talk on the Markets’ webcast. Getting Aggressive Trevor Greetham, asset allocation director for Fidelity International’s Investment Solutions Group, says the first thing to keep in mind is the economic cycle has become quite short, and increasingly […]
5 min read
Market Insights
Towers Watson today released its 30th annual Canadian Survey of Economic Expectations, predicting mostly growth in a low interest rate environment. The survey is based on data gathered from mid-November to early December 2010 and provides projections from leading business economists, analysts and portfolio managers from more than 45 organizations. The Outlook Most survey respondents […]
By Staff |January 20, 2011
4 min read
An agreement in principle has been reached in the Norbourg class action lawsuit. Under the $55 million settlement there is no admission of liability. The amount will be covered by Beaulieu Deschambault S.E.N.C.R.L. (including Deschambault St-Jean S.E.N.C.R.L.) and Rémi Deschambault, the AMF, The Northern Trust Company, Canada, Concentra Trust and KPMG LLP. The $55 million […]
By Staff |January 19, 2011
1 min read
Even as the exchange-traded funds (ETFs) industry expands, headlines are calling the funds into question: The Globe and Mail advised “How to protect yourself from ETF pain” just days after the May “flash crash,” and more recently, the Financial Post linked the two, with the headline “ETFs called a ‘Frankenstein’ that creates risk of ‘flash crashes.’” Even when the tone is somewhat conciliatory, such as the Wall Street Journal’s, “Are ETFs a menace — or just misunderstood,” it’s far from upbeat.
By Mary Anne Wiley |January 19, 2011
It’s the beginning of a new year, and a good time to look ahead at some of the developments we may see both in the economy and capital markets and some of the issues that will have an impact on Canadians’ plans for their retirement in the years ahead. Together, they add to an outlook for the economics of retirement in 2011.
By Peter Drake |January 18, 2011
6 min read
Foreign investors continued to buy Canadian securities late in 2010, according to Statistics Canada, acquiring an additional $8 billion in November, the most recent month for which data is available. Foreign buyers focused on debt issues, which made up $7.1 billion of the overall total. New private corporate bonds – mainly U.S.-denominated – accounted for […]
By Staff |January 17, 2011
Mutual funds sales for December – in fact, much of 2010 – were reminiscent of Goldilocks. Investors found some fund categories too hot for their liking (equity), while others were starting to cool off (fixed income). Great luck for balanced fund managers, as investors opted for the “just right” asset mix. “Long term fund sales […]
By Steven Lamb |January 17, 2011
2 min read
There has long existed a gap between philanthropy and any singular devotion to capital gains. But this uncharted space is fast being filled by the growing phenomenon of impact investing. At its heart, impact investing is a simple concept: mobilizing private capital for public good. It operates on the basic premise of solving social and […]
By Vikram Barhat |January 14, 2011
When it comes to investing in international equities, the forecast for 2011 finds a mix of challenges and opportunities on the horizon. Turmoil in Europe, and inflationary concerns in emerging markets may pose risks, but consumption spending and prudent companies offer a promising outlook.
By Diana Cawfield |January 11, 2011
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