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Market Insights
What a bizarre week. Bizarre is not a word I use that often but I’m struggling to find the right description for a week where higher futures lead to lower closes, and lower futures result in market rallies.
By Gareth Watson |February 21, 2012
5 min read
Greece has narrowly escaped the possibility of bankruptcy this spring, when it faces the repayment of €14.5 billion of debt. The reprieve comes from an agreement on a new bailout package reached Tuesday.
February 21, 2012
4 min read
The probability of U.S. stocks achieving double-digit growth, receding eurozone fears and a positive outlook for Canadian equities, have renewed optimism for financial markets.
By Vikram Barhat |February 21, 2012
2 min read
Concerned that advisors aren’t talking to their clients about socially responsible investing, the Social Investment Organization will push for rules mandating advisors to ask about a client’s interest in SRI.
By Doug Watt |February 21, 2012
3 min read
RBC Global Asset Management is cutting the management fee of each RBC Target Maturity Corporate Bond ETF to 0.20%, but not until January 1 of the ETF's year of maturity.
By Staff |February 17, 2012
1 min read
After taking a 21% tumble last year, emerging markets have rebounded so far in 2012 on the back of a resurgent investor appetite and a risk-on mood for emerging markets.
By Vikram Barhat |February 17, 2012
Economic Indicators
A split has emerged in the German government over whether to grant Greece a second bail-out package.
February 17, 2012
Buyout and related private equity market activity in Canada took significant strides forward in 2011, with a record number of deals, and dollar flows reaching their highest levels in three years, according to CVCA Canada.
Perhaps driven by the turbulence in global markets, gold prices continue to edge higher. The price of gold saw an uptick this morning as the U.S. dollar was paring its recent gains versus a basket of currencies ahead of the inflation data from the U.S.
Canadian-listed ETFs attracted $7.6 billion in investments in 2011, a 13% year-over-year increase. The global ETF industry is growing even faster, at nearly 25% a year.
By Staff |February 16, 2012
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