
Greece in default: S&P

Thirteen years after the advent of the European common currency, the Eurozone has seen its first credit default by a member. The long-term and short-term debt of Greece was downgraded to “selective default” by Standard & Poor's Ratings Services today.

By Staff |February 28, 2012

2 min read

Investor confidence falls

While U.S. consumer confidence is on the rise, global investor confidence is looking rather soft, according to State Street Global Markets’ Investor Confidence Index (ICI).

February 28, 2012

2 min read

Wilson named lead on Sprott Opportunities Funds

Sprott Asset Management has name John Wilson as lead portfolio manager for Sprott Opportunities Hedge LP and Sprott Opportunities RSP Fund, effective immediately.

By Staff |February 27, 2012

1 min read

Apple pushed to reform governance

Apple granted shareholders greater influence over the election of directors yesterday—finally giving in to investor pressure that has persisted for over a year. The company had overlooked a shareholder vote at last year’s annual meeting calling for the change, but faced renewed pressure from pension giant CalPERS, which owns 0.26% of the company, to introduce […]

February 24, 2012

1 min read