News and resources for Canada's top financial advisors
Market Insights
Twitter’s share prices tumbled April 28 when its financial results were leaked before the market closed.
By Staff |April 29, 2015
1 min read
Two reasons investors should add exposure to prime-grade, CBD office towers.
April 28, 2015
2 min read
Investing in the auto sector, while enticing, must be done with caution, given the ebbs and flows of both vehicle sales and consumer tastes. Let’s examine some names.
By Steve Barban and Russell Hope |April 28, 2015
4 min read
TIGER 21 members favored real estate in Q1 2015.
By Staff |April 28, 2015
Our industry is undergoing a fundamental shift in how we advise clients. There will likely be more emphasis on a full wealth management approach, rather than just portfolio management. So advisors need to adapt.
By Craig White and Grant White |April 24, 2015
3 min read
Thinking about realigning client portfolios in Q2? A team of advisors at Richardson GMP have shared their view on where the markets are heading, and some key adjustments that may serve clients heading into the midway point of 2015.
By Staff |April 23, 2015
Economic Indicators
The relationships between stocks aren’t typically altered by market volatility.
By Staff |April 21, 2015
Energy companies are prioritizing earnings strength over production growth.
By Dean DiSpalatro |April 16, 2015
As we go into the second half of the year, demand will rise
By Mason Granger |April 13, 2015
Include currency hedging returns when comparing yields
By Roger Aliaga-Díaz |April 13, 2015
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