News and resources for Canada's top financial advisors
Market Insights
Distressed hedge funds may suit clients eyeing outsized returns
By Dean DiSpalatro |May 15, 2015
8 min read
Economic Indicators
Some emerging market debt and equity markets look promising.
By Sarah Cunningham-Scharf |May 14, 2015
2 min read
The Investment Canada Act, which screens foreign acquisitions of Canadian companies, doesn’t serve the interests of Canadians, finds a study by the Fraser Institute.
By Staff |May 13, 2015
Investors should look to China’s energy sector, as the country’s growth remains stable.
By Sarah Cunningham-Scharf |May 12, 2015
3 min read
Confidence in the economy has plummeted, but businesses are still aiming for growth.
By Staff |May 11, 2015
Read any financial publication—ours included—and you’ll see plenty of articles on how equity fund managers pick stocks. Less often discussed is the bond-picking trade.
By Dean DiSpalatro |May 8, 2015
4 min read
The past few months, I’ve noticed a telling trend: the average overpayment for houses in my neighborhood far exceeds what I paid
By Philip Porado |May 8, 2015
Estate Planning
Ensure clients understand tax implications
Investing in a friend’s business involves business and relational risks.
By Evelyn Juan |May 8, 2015
Instead of worrying about short-term noise in the market, investors should focus on long-term outcomes.
By Jacqueline Louie |May 8, 2015
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