
Basic lessons

Last week I met with a couple that had been referred to our office by their accountant. They were looking for a comprehensive retirement plan. While they had several millions in investments and real estate, that wealth had diminished by nearly 50% as a result of recent market volatility. Now they were concerned about their […]

April 1, 2009

3 min read

Here and there

Have you taken a pass on providing support to your clients’ expatriate or inpatriate health insurance needs due to the complexity of this market? Or have you let business go to a competitor because you were unfamiliar with this area of risk? If yes, then it’s high time you gained the confidence to discuss this […]

By Jeff Simpson |April 1, 2009

4 min read

CI definitions: Covered conditions, explained (Part 2)

Last week we discussed an industry initiative led by Munich Re, that brought CI insurers together to create a new set of benchmark definitions for the Canadian marketplace. The language might be a bit much to get through, but this week we give you the new set of benchmark definitions created by committee members from […]

By Hélène Michaud |March 24, 2009

12 min read

Demystifying CI definitions

Last year, an industry initiative led by Munich Re brought together a group of CI insurers to discuss the possibility of developing benchmark definitions for the Canadian market. The members of this committee represented over 80% of the Canadian CI market in terms of new business premiums and brought a wealth of expertise from underwriting, […]

By Hélène Michaud |March 18, 2009

6 min read