Industry News

IDA calls for new RCMP unit to police markets

(November 21, 2002) The federal government should set up a new RCMP unit to deal specifically with crimes related to the capital markets, says Investment Dealers Association president Joe Oliver. In a presentation today to the Senate Standing Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce, Oliver also called for the creation of a special court for […]

By Doug Watt |November 21, 2002

2 min read

Springboard to success: An advisory board can be key to building a better practice.

More advisory board tips: If someone told you that you could better your business by leveraging the wisdom of a group of professionals at little or no charge, would this sound too good to be true? Well, it’s not. This reality can be yours by forming your own advisory board. There are a few different […]

By Staff |November 21, 2002

2 min read

Glimpse the future of advice business at Advisor Forum in Halifax

(November 20, 2002) “The future is purchased by the present,” said Samuel Johnson, whose words are a fitting theme for the upcoming Advisor Forum in Halifax from December 2-3. The outlook for the financial advisory business will feature prominently in the keynote presentations at the event. Julie Littlechild is the president of the research firm […]

By Jim MacDonald |November 20, 2002

2 min read

Wise persons wanted: Committee members key to latest securities initiative

(November 20, 2002) Finding the right people for a new committee on securities regulation could be the key to its success, industry experts say. Yesterday, Saskatchewan lawyer Harold MacKay recommended that Ottawa and the provinces create a committee of up to six “wise persons” to make suggestions on improving the country’s regulatory system. MacKay said […]

By Doug Watt |November 20, 2002

4 min read