Industry News

Grow your business with Socially Responsible Investing (SRI)

Still think socially responsible investing (SRI) is only for fringe investors who care more about the environment than they do about returns? You may be surprised to discover who’s investing responsibly and just how profitable it can be for them – and you. Between 1998 and 2000, sales of socially responsible mutual funds in Canada […]

By Staff |December 2, 2002

2 min read

A time for reflection in the Talvest Town Hall

(November 29, 2002) The year 2002 was the Year of the Horse in the Chinese Lunar Calendar, but for investors and financial advisors it was another Year of the Bear. The end of the year is always a time of reflection so’s Talvest Town Hall wants to hear from advisors about their 2002 year […]

By Jim MacDonald |November 29, 2002

2 min read

Financial consumer complaint service officially launched

(November 29, 2002) Canadian consumers now have access to a national call centre and Web site dedicated to handling complaints about the country’s financial services industry. The Centre for the Financial Services OmbudsNetwork, first announced last December, was officially launched today. The centre, based in Toronto, will act as a clearinghouse for questions about the […]

By Doug Watt |November 29, 2002

3 min read

Investor Behaviour, A roller coaster of emotions!

Managing Emotions Whether it’s euphoria or anxiety, allowing emotions to seep into investment decisions can be costly. Instead, prudent investors should aim to emulate the unemotional approach of a professional portfolio manager, a mindset that can be achieved with solid due diligence, a disciplined investment process and a sense of perspective, according to three frontline […]

By Staff |November 29, 2002

2 min read