Industry News

Steer clients clear of bear trap with action steps in March’s Advisor’s Edge

(March 10, 2003) Unfortunately, the bear market has been a familiar theme with advisors and their clients for far too long already. However, rather than just offering familiar advice, the March issue of Advisor’s Edge digs deeper with a host of industry experts offering actionable tips to preserve client wealth in these unsteady times. “Advisors […]

By John Craig |March 10, 2003

2 min read

Leading pension plans report losses

(March 10, 2003) Two of Canada’s largest capital pools reported losses today. The Ontario Teachers Pension Plan Board is down 2% for 2002, about the same as last year. In Quebec, the Caisse de dépôt et placement lost 9.57%, more than double its loss in 2001. The Caisse’s total loss of $7.59 billion is much […]

By Scot Blythe |March 10, 2003

3 min read

IDA asks Ontario to amend income trust legislation

(March 7, 2003) The Investment Dealers Association wants the Ontario government to move quickly to introduce legislation that would limit liability for income trust unitholders. In a pre-budget submission, the IDA says such a change would put trusts on the same footing as corporations by limiting potential investor losses to the initial investment. In a […]

By Doug Watt |March 7, 2003

2 min read

Improved ethics, increased regulation can help restore investor confidence, says U.S. regulator

(March 7, 2003) Acts of malfeasance within the financial services industry have lead to a loss of faith by investors, costing the advisor community heavily in both client confidence and falling revenues, says Mary Schapiro, vice-chair of the NASD, the American self-regulatory organization covering brokerage firms and their registered representatives. NASD, formerly the National Association […]

By Art Melo |March 7, 2003

3 min read