Industry News

Insurance regulators set more modest goals for advisors than securities administrators

(May 28, 2003) Confidence-eroding corporate scandals have focused attention on securities regulation, as has the abrading costs to issuers and investment funds, charged by 13 different jurisdictions. So much so that the federal government has stepped in to bring together divergent provincial securities commissions. In the insurance world, step-by-step harmonization of regulations is the preferred […]

By Scot Blythe |May 28, 2003

3 min read

Investment consultants will meet to ponder asset allocation strategies

(May 27, 2003) The Canadian chapter of the Investment Management Consultants Association (IMCA) is holding its annual two-day continuing education conference in Toronto on June 11 and 12. The theme this year, says conference organizer James Wanstall, vice-president of sales at Abria Financial Group, is adapting Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) to an environment that has […]

By Scot Blythe |May 27, 2003

3 min read

Dundee seen as potential buyer for stake in Cartier

(May 27, 2003) Dundee Wealth Management is being pegged as the most likely purchaser of a controlling stake in Cartier Partners Financial Group. However, one analyst believes Cartier will have difficulty finding a buyer, given the current investment climate. “I maintain that Cartier won’t be easy to sell because many firms are already dealing with […]

By Doug Watt |May 27, 2003

3 min read


(May 30, 2003) Financial commentator Brian Costello says he will go to the courts to appeal a sanctions decision against him announced last month by the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC). Costello was reprimanded and ordered to pay $300,000 in costs after an OSC panel ruled he had violated securities laws by failing to register as […]

By Staff |May 26, 2003

5 min read