Industry News

Advocis designation campaign hits the road

(August 13, 2003) Advocis is stepping up its campaign to make professional designations a requirement of advice giving, recently holding meetings with senior regulators, industry representatives and politicians across North America. Under the Advocis plan, first unveiled at the advisor association’s conference in Newfoundland earlier this year, the CFP, CLU, fellow of the Canadian Securities […]

By Doug Watt |August 13, 2003

3 min read

Time is running out to send in Career Achievement Award nominations

outstanding service in protecting the interests of the investor efforts to raise the professional standards for those giving financial advice demonstrated leadership and innovation in the field of financial advice For a better idea of what the Career Achievement Award is all about, consider the careers of the first two recipients: In 2001, Advisor’s Edge […]

By Steven Lamb |August 12, 2003

2 min read

Venture capitalists stay on sidelines

(August 12, 2003) Canadian venture capitalists remained cautious in the second quarter of 2003, according to a report from the Canadian Venture Capital Association and Macdonald & Associates Limited. Total dollars invested in venture funding dropped 33% to $212 million between April and June, from $314 million in the first quarter. Disbursement totals were sliced […]

By Steven Lamb |August 12, 2003

2 min read

Dundee agrees to sanctions in RRSP scam

(August 12, 2003) Dundee Securities has agreed to review its compliance procedures and pay $150,000 in costs after one of its registrants apparently masterminded a scam involving the purchase of shares using funds in locked-in RRSP accounts. The Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) says Brian Verbeek processed hundreds of transactions worth more than $17 million while […]

By Doug Watt |August 12, 2003

2 min read