Industry News

IDA cools on firm-only registration

(August 21, 2003) The IDA is backing away from its previous support of a firm-only registration system for the securities industry, proposed by the British Columbia Securities Commission (BCSC). The IDA says such reforms must be implemented on a national basis. “It is unlikely that many or perhaps any other jurisdictions will follow B.C.’s lead,” […]

By Doug Watt |August 21, 2003

2 min read

IPC shuffles execs, announces restructuring

(August 21, 2003) IPC Financial Network has announced a shakeup in its executive suite and a restructuring plan that includes the disposal of non-core assets and a consolidation of operations. “Our plans, which are nearly complete, will result in $3 million of annual savings to the company,” said IPC’s CEO Steve Meehan in a press […]

By Steven Lamb |August 21, 2003

1 min read

Income trust market still hot

(August 20, 2003) Canada’s income trust market grew by $3.5 billion in the second quarter of 2003, according to figures released today by the IDA. The income trust universe is now valued at $50.8 billion, up 15% since the end of 2002. Thirty new trusts were created in Q2, with an average value of $101 […]

By Doug Watt |August 20, 2003

2 min read

Ontario regulators reduce service as power crisis continues

(August 20, 2003) Ontario’s two main financial services regulators have been forced to scale back service as the province struggles to cope with an ongoing power crisis. The Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) is providing essential services only while the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) has suspended operations entirely. A massive blackout last week left […]

By Doug Watt |August 20, 2003

2 min read