Industry News

IDA joins chorus of pre-budget recommendations

(September 23, 2003) Ottawa could stimulate higher economic growth rates if it would reduce corporate taxes and increase the limit on RRSP contributions. That’s the message the IDA has delivered to Parliament in its pre-budget submission today. The IDA commends the federal government on its spending reductions over the past decade, but warns against a […]

By Steven Lamb |September 23, 2003

2 min read


(September 26, 2003) Canada’s net worth moved higher in the second quarter, according to Statistics Canada, posting a gain of 1.3% to hit $3.9 trillion, or $129,000 per capita. National wealth grew at a slower rate, from 1.7% in the first quarter to 1.5% in the second, due to a sluggish economy, the agency said. […]

By Staff |September 22, 2003

6 min read

Higher RRSP limits on IFIC’s budget wish list

(September 22, 2003) Canada’s mutual fund industry association is once again urging the federal government to boost RRSP contribution limits. In a pre-budget submission released today, IFIC recommends an immediate increase to $27,000 a year, with future increases tied to inflation. Earlier this year, federal Finance Minister John Manley committed to gradually increasing RRSP levels […]

By Doug Watt |September 22, 2003

2 min read

U.S. dollar will weaken even more, says CIBC economist

(September 22, 2003) The U.S. dollar may be overvalued, but today’s volatility in the currency markets should be short-lived, says CIBC senior economist Avery Shenfield. “In the long-term, the U.S. dollar probably has to weaken even further to get the U.S. out of a rut of a trade deficit and current account deficit,” he says. […]

By Steven Lamb |September 22, 2003

2 min read