Industry News

FPSC’s new practice standards clearly define financial planning

(October 6, 2003) The Financial Planners Standards Council (FPSC) is including a straightforward definition of financial planning as part of a draft practice standards document which has just been released for comment. It’s an attempt to differentiate between financial planning and advice, says the FPSC, the organization responsible for administering the CFP designation in Canada. […]

By Doug Watt |October 6, 2003

3 min read

IFIC reports mutual fund sales negative in September

(October 3, 2003) Mutual fund sales reversed course in September posting net redemptions of between $50 million and $350 million, according to early estimates from IFIC. “Preliminary statistics indicate net redemptions of about $150 million for the month of September,” notes Tom Hockin, IFIC president and CEO. “History shows that sales for the month of […]

By Steven Lamb |October 3, 2003

1 min read

Advisor Forum update: Financial planning for big-ticket buying

(October 3, 2003) For many advisors, financial plans take in the “big picture” — things like saving for retirement and maximizing estate potential. But financial planning principles also apply to seemingly smaller events in a client’s life, which nevertheless constitute “big ticket,” such as buying a house or a car, says advisor and author Éric […]

By Scot Blythe |October 3, 2003

4 min read

Investing for life: Opportunities in Biotechnology courtesy of BioCapital

Volatile markets, corporate debacles and the fall-out from the burst tech bubble have seriously shaken investor confidence – especially when it comes to tech stocks. But your clients should be taking a look at the biotechnology sector, because unlike many industries, this one is poised for substantial growth. And, say experts, the fundamentals are there […]

By Staff |October 2, 2003

1 min read