Industry News

Goodale ready to move on regulatory reform

(January 27, 2004) Federal Finance Minister Ralph Goodale signalled today that he is prepared to tackle the thorny issue of securities reform and hinted he supports the national regulatory model outlined by the wise persons’ committee. “This is going to take some detailed analysis and some ongoing dialogue,” Goodale told reporters following a speech in […]

By Doug Watt |January 27, 2004

3 min read


(January 30, 2004) The ongoing integration of Berkshire-TWC has resulted in job losses in Radville, Saskatchewan, where TWC is based. In a release, Berkshire-TWC said some jobs previously located in Radville are being transferred to Burlington, Ontario, home of Berkshire. No numbers were released, but Berkshire-TWC said there would be fewer jobs in Radville when […]

By Staff |January 26, 2004

4 min read

Stability ratings lead to more questions about income trusts

(January 26, 2004) When the leading bond rating agencies start issuing reports on an obscure investment product, it is understandable that some confusion may arise. Ronald Charbon, director of Canadian ratings at S&P, realizes the S&P stability rating system may contribute to the confusion over the status of income funds, but he points out unitholders’ […]

By Steven Lamb |January 26, 2004

4 min read

Electronic reporting leads to jump in IDA complaints

(January 26, 2004) The self-regulatory organization for Canada’s brokerage industry received more than 1,500 complaints in 2003, the first full year IDA members were required to report all complaints electronically. The number of complaints the IDA received last year was up 41% compared to 2002, mostly as a result of information collected through the association’s […]

By Doug Watt |January 26, 2004

2 min read