Industry News

IFIC slams

(February 2, 2004) The head of IFIC is calling on the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC) to stop its ad campaign, which he calls critical of the mutual funds industry. “We request that CDIC stop the targeting of mutual funds in its advertising,” read a letter to the CDIC from Tom Hockin, IFIC president and […]

By Steven Lamb |February 2, 2004

3 min read

SROs lack enforcement muscle, says IDA boss

(January 30, 2004) Canada’s self-regulatory organizations (SROs) should be given enhanced enforcement powers, such as the right to treat disciplinary decisions as court orders, says IDA president Joe Oliver. Effective enforcement of disciplinary orders is critical to a credible regulatory regime, Oliver said on Thursday, January 29, at an SRO conference in Toronto. “There is […]

By Doug Watt |January 30, 2004

2 min read

Fair dealing model fails — Advocis

(January 30, 2004) Yesterday’s release of the fair dealing model concept paper by the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) has been met with a heated response from Advocis. “This smacks of regulatory opportunism in an area where the OSC has no experience or qualifications,” said Steve Howard, president and CEO of Advocis. “It seems more interested […]

By Steven Lamb |January 30, 2004

4 min read

Diversification: The best way to achieve long-term investment goals.

Franklin Templeton Investments has developed a flash tool and collateral to be used with clients on the benefits of diversifying across all asset classes. Why Diversify? To Participate and Protect. Asset classes perform differently on an annual basis and no single asset class has been a top-performer for several consecutive years. True diversification means investing […]

By Staff |January 29, 2004

1 min read