Industry News

Insiders weigh in on broker defections

(June 8, 2004) A recent rash of broker defections and subsequent rumours of legal action has reignited a dormant debate in Canada’s financial services industry — just who owns the client? RBC DS was stunned last month by the departure of Susan Latremoille, one of its star advisors from its Toronto office, who resurfaced across […]

By Geoff Kirbyson |June 8, 2004

4 min read


(June 11, 2004) Jovian Capital Corporation has announced it is acquiring Leon Frazer & Associates Inc., an investment counsellor with approximately $735 million in assets under management. The company will be held through Jovian’s wholly-owned subsidiary Jovian Asset Management Inc., with the deal set to close on or about July 15, 2004. “With this acquisition, […]

By Staff |June 7, 2004

5 min read

Regulators introduce tougher proxy voting rules

(June 7, 2004) Canadian fund companies will be required to fully disclose their proxy voting records under the terms of proposed new regulations unveiled recently by the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA). Proxy voting has been a sore spot for many investor advocates, who have been pushing for increased disclosure and transparency from the mutual fund […]

By Doug Watt |June 7, 2004

2 min read

India poised to take advantage as China applies brakes

(June 7, 2004) Investors seeking a high growth component for their portfolio face a wealth of choices, ranging from individual equities and small cap funds to sector specific investments and emerging markets. When setting their sights overseas, the recent trend has been to invest in China, as the massive market lurches toward prosperity. While there […]

By Steven Lamb |June 7, 2004

4 min read