Industry News


(June 18, 2004) AGF Management has appointed economist David Hale to the board of directors of their mutual fund corporations. Hale — founder of Chicago-based Hale Advisors — will also serve as a governor of AGF’s mutual fund trusts. Before launching his own firm, Hale was global chief economist at Zurich Financial Services Group. “David […]

By Staff |June 16, 2004

4 min read

Calculation error reduces May fund sales

(June 16, 2004) Net new sales of mutual funds reached $533 million last month, IFIC says, well short of the preliminary estimate of $800 million. IFIC blames the discrepancy on a reporting error from BMO Investments, which supplied the fund industry association with incorrect data. “Net sales for the month of May were positive for […]

By Doug Watt |June 16, 2004

2 min read

CIFPs vows to protect planners’ interests

(June 16, 2004) Financial planners worried about the revolution in financial services can rest assured their interests will be safeguarded by the Canadian Institute of Financial Planners (CIFPs), according to managing director Keith Costello. Speaking to the CIFPs annual general meeting in Ottawa on Tuesday, Costello said the CIFPs’ goal remains to become the primary […]

By Steven Lamb |June 16, 2004

2 min read

Future belongs to risk managers and those who understand seniors’ needs

(June 15, 2004) Advice and managed money are on the ascendancy in the financial services industry and, according to research guru Earl Bederman, this trend isn’t likely to change soon. Bederman is president of Investor Economics, a Toronto-based firm that gathers market intelligence in the financial services industry. He presented an overview of the wealth […]

By Donna Green |June 15, 2004

3 min read