Industry News

Spring Conference Season

“I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it was always June,” Lucy Maud Montgomery once mused, via the voice of her much-loved creation, Anne Shirley. In a word? Busy. It would be very, very busy. June — and yes, the tail end of May — is conference season for […]

By Steven Lamb |June 11, 2009

1 min read

Online bank insurance sales allowed: OSFI

A bank website is not a bank branch, according to the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI). Much to the chagrin of some insurance broker organizations, bank websites will continue to be allowed to sell insurance products. Although ruled on some time ago, it’s come to light that OSFI does not see any […]

By Mark Noble |June 10, 2009

3 min read

Message to fundcos: Aim a little lower

The mutual fund industry needs to re-examine its role in the financial sector and champion stewardship over salesmanship if it is to regain the trust of the Main Street investors it is meant to serve, according to a prominent industry analyst. Speaking at the 2009 Morningstar Conference in Toronto on June 10, Don Philips, managing […]

By Steven Lamb |June 10, 2009

4 min read


The combination of an aging population, falling pension fund values, drop in employer contributions and economic downturn can simultaneously create the perfect storm and derail poorly planned pensions. According to a global survey from HSBC Insurance, there is a significant preparation gap and education gap in pension planning The survey showed that people’s short-term survival […]

By Staff |June 10, 2009

4 min read