
Capitalize on

(February 12, 2003) Every advisor has at least one person — or more likely a number of people — whom they see once a year for a last-minute RRSP contribution. But RRSP season can be a perfect time to bring these people on board as full-fledged clients, according to a story in the February issue […]

By John Craig |February 12, 2003

2 min read

National Registration Database in final testing phase

(February 11, 2003) The long-awaited National Registration Database is just weeks away from launching, with regulators currently completing final tests. February 7, 2003, was the deadline for firms to register. The NRD, which will allow companies to file registration forms online for multiple jurisdictions, will be up and running March 31. All provinces and territories […]

By Doug Watt |February 11, 2003

2 min read

Fund manufacturers revamp wholesaling to keep distributors, advisors onside

(February 11, 2003) For fund companies struggling to staunch the outflow of money from mutual funds, advertising is out and meeting advisors directly is in. That shifting outreach reflects more than investor disappointment, however. It acknowledges that funds are sold, not bought, and advisors hold the key to sales. More than that, the balance of […]

By Scot Blythe |February 11, 2003

5 min read

FPSC clarifies designation guidelines following deal with ICB

(February 10, 2003) The Financial Planners Standards Council, which controls the Certified Financial Planner mark in Canada, is clarifying its position on other professional designations after agreeing to accredit the Institute of Canadian Bankers as a registered financial planning education provider. Several advisors have complained that the FPSC is guilty of a double standard, by […]

By Doug Watt |February 10, 2003

2 min read