
Industry insiders see

(February 18, 2003) It came as no surprise that there were no surprises in today’s federal budget. Reaction from three financial services industry insiders contacted by ranged from mild indifference to deep concern for Canada’s future economic health. “One of the things that really does concern me is the huge increase in government spending,” […]

By John Craig |February 17, 2003

3 min read

RRSP increase disappoints industry associations; anti-fraud initiative garners praise

(February 18, 2003) Facing an emotionless opposition, Finance Minister John Manley strayed from his prepared budget speech at one point and asked, “Some of this you must like?” Besides a few laughs, there was nothing. Reaction from the country’s industry association leaders was a bit more animated, however. RRSPs, debt reduction and capital taxes turned […]

By Staff |February 17, 2003

3 min read

Clouds and silver linings — Advisors react to budget

(February 18, 2003) The federal budget has something for everyone, though some advisors say it could have done more to put money into the hands of their clients. One budget gem is the incentives for small-business owners. Clients who fall into this category will be thrilled with the fact that the low 12% tax rate […]

February 17, 2003

4 min read

Ethical & Meritas dominate survey of Canada’s best social funds

Ethical Money Market Ethical Income Ethical Global Bond Meritas Money Market Meritas Canadian Bond Ethical Special Equity Ethical Special Equity Meritas Canadian Bond Meritas Money Market Ethical Global Bond Ethical Income Ethical Money Market Mackenzie Universal Global Ethics Meritas Jantzi Social Index Mackenzie RSP Universal Global Ethics Meritas U.S. Equity For more on the SRI […]

By Doug Watt |February 17, 2003

3 min read