
OSC issues investor alert about foreign stock scams

(March 12, 2003) The Ontario Securities Commission has issued a warning about cross-border and foreign securities sales following a number of complaints from investors. The scams typically involve an offer to invest in futures, options or foreign exchanges through an American or foreign firm. The fraudsters claim that they do not have to be registered […]

By Doug Watt |March 12, 2003

1 min read

High-income earners on the rise, census reveals

(March 11, 2003) The number of high-salaried Canadians soared in the 1990s as more workers cashed in on their university education, the latest census reveals. Nearly 450,000 Canadians earned an annual salary of more than $100,000 in 2000, a 70% increase compared to 1990, Statistics Canada reported today. Among the high-income earners, 61% had a […]

By Doug Watt |March 11, 2003

2 min read

Performance only part of the fund sales story, report concludes

(March 11, 2003) Investment returns may help boost mutual fund sales, but there are other factors at play, according to a recent report from fund researcher Investor Economics. Industry players give investment performance too much credit for driving mutual fund sales and too much blame for sparking redemptions, says the report, called “Selling Steak or […]

By Doug Watt |March 11, 2003

2 min read

Capturing the

Untitled Document Hitting the target A diverse and flexible approach is key to capturing the “wealthy of the future.” With affluent baby boomers continually attracting the lion’s share of attention from both the media and the financial services industry, the generation behind them – commonly known as Generation-X – remains a largely untapped opportunity for […]

By Staff |March 10, 2003

2 min read