
Future looks bright for advisors willing to change, says IPC exec

(March 21, 2003) Advisors have been too busy making a living to notice their business has changed in the last 10 years, financial advisors heard yesterday at the 83rd Annual Ontario Sales Congress of the Peel Institute of Applied Finance in Toronto. “When I first started, I could have run my business out of my […]

By Jennifer McLaughlin |March 21, 2003

3 min read

Canadian Securities Institute revamps popular CSC course

(March 20, 2003) After consulting with the financial services industry, the Canadian Securities Institute has decided to scrap the assignment portion of its popular Canadian Securities Course. Students still have to write two exams to complete the course. “After analysis and consultation with the industry, it was determined that the online component’s multi-dimensional learning surpassed […]

By Doug Watt |March 20, 2003

1 min read

War or no war, investment message must remain consistent, advisors say

(March 20, 2003) As the U.S.-led attack on Iraq kicks into high gear, advisors are faced with nervous clients who are worried about any possible impact on their investments. Stick to the plan and look to history is the main message from several advisors contacted by and Advisor’s Edge magazine. “I am talking to […]

By Doug Watt |March 20, 2003

3 min read

IFIC prepares fair value protocol as Iraq conflict nears

(March 19, 2003) The Investment Funds Institute of Canada is preparing to organize a conference call on fair value for securities in case of possible market disruptions related to the Iraq conflict. The fair value conference call was last used in the days following the September 11 terror attacks. IFIC began work on the fair […]

By Doug Watt |March 19, 2003

2 min read