
Bank branches eroding independent advisor advantage

True wealth: Service first Practitioners shown how to pump up marketing muscle’s Investment Policy Statement (IPS) template (November 6, 2003) Through the bear market, some clients have decided to seek out the comfort they felt in an earlier time, when GICs provided more than enough income and they could be bought from two or […]

By Scot Blythe |November 6, 2003

6 min read

Poor fund performance won’t deter buyers, says research firm

(November 5, 2003) Conventional wisdom holds that as mutual fund performance improves, so do their sales — and conversely sales dry up, when performance tanks. But according to data from Investor Economics, this should not be taken as the gospel truth. In 2002, mutual fund assets shrivelled in Ontario by 11.4% or just over $21 […]

By Steven Lamb |November 5, 2003

2 min read

IG in the mood for further expansion, analysts believe

(November 5, 2003) Jeff Orr is coy about future acquisitions but some industry experts think the president and CEO of Investors Group may be working — or about to work — on bringing a new company under its umbrella to make it the biggest mutual fund company in Canada by an even larger margin. For […]

By Geoff Kirbyson |November 5, 2003

4 min read

Illustration software can misstate taxes and skew financial plans

(November 5, 2003) As boomers retire and live longer, while inheriting substantial amounts from their cautious Depression-era parents, financial planning stands poised as the 21st-century profession. But some of its basic tools remained rooted in the 1980s, says Dave Faulkner, an advisor who moved into financial software development before his firm was bought by CCH […]

By Scot Blythe |November 5, 2003

4 min read