
Lessons learned: Advisors reflect on 2003

(December 23, 2003) The year 2003 finally brought some glad tidings for investors, with the markets staging an impressive rally. But confidence remains fragile and some clients still haven’t learned their bear market lessons, advisors say, and are still either shunning opportunities or chasing hot performers. contacted several advisors and industry experts, asking for […]

By Doug Watt |December 23, 2003

3 min read

Tax and clawback thresholds raised for 2004

(December 23, 2003) In its annual adjustment of tax brackets and credits, the federal finance department is raising the thresholds 3.3% to account for inflation. The federal government is also phasing in the last of its five-year tax reduction plan announced in the 2000 budget. That means the threshold for the 22% tax bracket will […]

By Scot Blythe |December 23, 2003

1 min read


(December 24, 2003) In the spirit of the season, CIBC senior economist Avery Shenfeld is showing off his creative side, penning a financial version of the classic Christmas poem, “Twas The Night Before Christmas.” Twas the night before Christmas And all through the House Not an MP was stirring Nor a new same-sex spouse Paul […]

By Staff |December 22, 2003

5 min read

MFDA launches fund trading probe

(December 22, 2003) Citing concerns about investor confidence in the Canadian mutual fund industry, the MFDA is asking its 200 members to provide information on their fund trading policies and procedures. The moves comes in the wake of a series of investigations into late trading and market timing abuses in the U.S., which have resulted […]

By Doug Watt |December 22, 2003

2 min read