
Many Canadians fear outliving savings, poll finds

(January 14, 2004) A significant number of Canadians are worried they will run out of money during their retirement, according to a poll conducted for Investors Group. Not only that, but many have no idea how they want to spend their time during retirement, making it impossible to plan. “How can you achieve what you […]

By Steven Lamb |January 14, 2004

3 min read

MFDA rethinking investor protection fund

(January 13, 2004) The MFDA is setting up a special committee to consider joining the already established Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF), rather than setting up a new fund. The creation of an investor protection fund that would protect client assets in the event of a bankruptcy was mandated by regulators as a condition of […]

By Doug Watt |January 13, 2004

2 min read

Regulatory reform goes beyond politics, Phelps says

(January 13, 2004) The provinces and the federal government must set aside their differences and accept that regulatory reform is an economic issue, not a political or constitutional issue, according to Michael Phelps, chair of the wise persons’ committee (WPC). In his first public address since the release of the WPC report, Phelps told the […]

By Steven Lamb |January 13, 2004

5 min read


(January 16, 2004) The Alternative Investment Management Association of Canada (AIMA Canada) has named Lynda Briant as general manager. Briant brings experience from her past senior positions at Dow Jones Indexes, Toronto Stock Exchange and State Street Global Advisors. AIMA Canada chair Jim McGovern says Briant’s appointment “reflects the very positive industry response to AIMA […]

By Staff |January 12, 2004

7 min read