
Equity issuance surges despite slow market

(August 5, 2004) Equity markets showed strong signs of recovery in the second quarter, as total equity issuance surged, according to the quarterly report from the Investment Dealers Association of Canada. “Despite slower growth in corporate earnings and flat equity markets, equity issuance of $11.65 billion in Q2 2004 still reached its third highest level […]

By Steven Lamb |August 5, 2004

2 min read

Oil was the place to be in July

(August 4, 2004) July was a tough month for mutual fund investors, with 22 of 32 Morningstar Canada Fund Indices posting losses on the month, according to preliminary data from the fund research firm. The worst performance was turned in by the Science and Technology Fund Index, which dropped 10.5%. “Profit warnings and sector- and […]

By Steven Lamb |August 4, 2004

2 min read

Blended families need special attention

(August 4, 2004) While everything always worked out in the end for the Brady Bunch, life is rarely so neatly wrapped up in 30-minute segments. So-called blended families — those created by the marriage of spouses with children from a previous relationship — face unique financial challenges, according to one expert. “From a financial planning […]

By Steven Lamb |August 4, 2004

3 min read


(August 6, 2004) Manulife Financial has released its latest earnings report, posting a massive 71% increase in earnings thanks in large part to last year’s acquisition of John Hancock Financial Services. Excluding the $166 million earned by Hancock in the two months since the deal was completed, Manulife earnings increased by $108 million, or 28%, […]

By Staff |August 3, 2004

3 min read