

It’s often been said that the only constant in life is change. If that’s true, then it’s important that your client’s life insurance can change too. Whatever life insurance plan you choose for your client, it needs to be flexible and adaptable to the changes that life throws our way. Universal life insurance is the […]

By Staff |September 27, 2004

1 min read


(October 1, 2004) The Ontario Securities Commission says it has begun discussions with four mutual fund firms regarding allegations of market timing. The regulator sent letters to CI, AIC, AGF, and Investors Group on September 20 asking for an explanation of frequent trading in certain funds between 2000 and 2003. They were given until yesterday […]

By Staff |September 27, 2004

9 min read

New fund disclosure rules too much too soon, expert says

(September 27, 2004) Proposed new continuous disclosure rules for Canadian mutual funds are well-intentioned, but will be a logistic nightmare for fund firms, says author and consultant Steven Kelman. The Canadian Securities Administrators’ National Instrument 81-106, scheduled to take effect by the end of the year, requires fund companies to produce annual and interim financial […]

By Doug Watt |September 27, 2004

2 min read

Insurance expert calls for IDA firm overhaul

(September 27, 2004) The current Insurance Specialist (IS) model employed by IDA member firms must change or risk irrelevance in the market, according to a leading insurance consultant. “Growing one IS at a time is too slow and is susceptible to market swings,” said Byren Innes, senior vice-president and director of NewLink Group Inc., in […]

By Staff |September 27, 2004

4 min read