
September slump for fund sales

(October 4, 2004) For the first time in a year, mutual fund sales dipped into negative territory in September, according to preliminary data from IFIC. Sales are expected to be between minus $550 and minus $150 million, the fund industry association reported on Monday. Mutual fund sales haven’t been in negative territory since September, 2003. […]

By Doug Watt |October 4, 2004

1 min read

Compensation disclosure sparks advisor debate

(October 1, 2004) The thorny question of how much clients need to know about advisor compensation stirred up debate this week in’s online forum, the Talvest Town Hall. Although most advisors agree clients should be aware of how much an investment costs, there’s some argument as to whether it’s necessary to provide a complete […]

By Doug Watt |October 1, 2004

3 min read

U.S. economy losing

(October 1, 2004) Despite a positive spin by the U.S. administration and the Federal Reserve, America’s economic prospects leave little to cheer about, according to one economist. The engine of the economy, the U.S. consumer, is about to run out of gas. “Up to about three or four months ago everyone was pretty sure that […]

By Steven Lamb |October 1, 2004

4 min read

Fund industry needs to defend itself

(September 30, 2004) The mutual fund industry needs to step up and defend itself, or risk serious damage to its reputation, according to one crisis management communications specialist. “Everybody seems to be forgetting about defending the basic fund product category,” says Bruce MacLellan, president of Environics Communications. “Everybody is so head-down, competing against each other […]

By Steven Lamb |September 30, 2004

4 min read