
Alberta advocates tiered approach to regulation

(February 17, 2005) As Ontario and B.C. squabble over rules versus principles-based securities regulation, Alberta is coming down the middle with a new tiered approach, proposing different rules depending on the size of the firm. Calling it the great Canadian compromise, Alberta Securities Commission vice-chair Glenda Campbell outlined the province’s model at a securities conference […]

By Doug Watt |February 17, 2005

3 min read

Portus to remain in regulatory limbo

(February 16, 2005) Portus Alternative Asset Management will be under a regulatory cloud for at least three more months after the Ontario Securities Commission extended a temporary suspension against the hedge fund firm. A hearing was set for Thursday, but late Tuesday, the commission announced that the case would not be heard until May 17, […]

By Doug Watt |February 16, 2005

2 min read

C.D. Howe calls for numerous tax changes

(February 16, 2005) The C.D. Howe Institute wants Ottawa to abolish the capital gains tax on charitable donations. That’s just one of many recommendations included in the Toronto-based researcher’s annual shadow budget, released on Wednesday. The tax on capital gains applied to donations of selected assets to both private and public foundations and other charities […]

By Doug Watt |February 16, 2005

2 min read

Alternative investments not always transparent, says Young

Former mutual fund analyst and Portus consultant Duff Young admits that, even for him, due diligence on alternative products can be a tough row to hoe. That’s not to say advisors should avoid alternative investments. However, advisors must make sure that the product is as advertised, and be wary of signing documents that might prevent […]

By Scot Blythe |February 16, 2005

3 min read