
Privacy lessons from the banks

(April 26, 2005) Human error is likely behind the most recent privacy faux pas in the Canadian banking sector. In the past two years, four branches of the Bank of Montreal misdialed phone numbers and sent personal client information to a home business in Montreal. Even with automatic dialers in place and ongoing internal awareness […]

By Kate McCaffery |April 26, 2005

3 min read


(April 29, 2005) Board members at the Investment Funds Institute of Canada have discussed and approved a search process to find a suitable replacement for the association’s retiring president and CEO. Tom Hockin announced his October retirement earlier this week. The search committee, chosen to represent the different industry constituencies served by the association, includes […]

By Staff |April 25, 2005

7 min read

Global growth fuels domestic productivity

(April 25, 2005) The Canadian economy should experience an upsurge in productivity in 2005 and 2006, according to Export Development Canada (EDC). The agency calls Canada’s sluggish productivity growth “the one blemish on an otherwise spotless economic record.” “The first phase of productivity improvement is already in place as the expansion of 2004 enabled many […]

By Steven Lamb |April 25, 2005

2 min read

So what if China revalues?

(April 25, 2005) China’s competitiveness on the world stage is well known and beginning to irk members of the international trading community. The United States particularly is speaking out more aggressively against China’s currency policies that keep the renminbi pegged to the U.S. dollar, and considering moves to impose trade sanctions. Although some reports from […]

By Kate McCaffery |April 25, 2005

3 min read