

(November 18, 2005) RBC Insurance has teamed up with The Edge Benefits to offer The Edge Critical Illness Plan, promising to provide simplified and enhanced coverage options. “With easier qualification and increased flexibility for our base and builder coverage, clients can focus on recovery from their illness while receiving financial assistance in meeting the additional […]

By Staff |November 14, 2005

10 min read

Goodale pledges $30 billion in tax cuts

The federal government today announced a series of tax reductions that Finance Minister Ralph Goodale says will bring $30 billion in personal income tax relief for Canadians over the next five years. The cuts were announced in Goodale’s fall economic and fiscal update, with the government facing a possible election campaign. Ottawa is increasing the […]

By Doug Watt |November 14, 2005

2 min read

Insurers question need for review

The Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators (CCIR) and the Canadian Insurance Services Regulatory Organizations’ (CISRO) Industry Practice Review Committee have released a summary of responses to a much debated consultation paper published this summer, and the results embody the frustration the industry has with the review. An overwhelming number of industry stakeholders questioned the need […]

By Mark Brown |November 11, 2005

4 min read

Crime poses threat to reputation: OSFI

Canadian financial institutions must take the problems of money laundering and terrorism funding seriously, not only to protect their own reputation, but that of Canada, according to the superintendent of financial institutions. “Canada has a world-class financial system. It is very important for our reputation as a country, and for the reputation of our financial […]

By Steven Lamb |November 10, 2005

2 min read