
Tax proposal boosts November fund returns

The federal government’s “hands-off” policy toward income trusts helped drive returns in mutual funds focused on this segment of the market in November, according to data from Morningstar Canada. The Morningstar Canadian Income Trust Fund Index delivered returns of 7.7% for the month, but they weren’t alone, as 29 of the 31 fund indices posted […]

By Steven Lamb |December 2, 2005

2 min read

Russell to buy First Asset

Frank Russell Canada, a unit of U.S.-based Russell Investment Group, has announced it has reached a deal to purchase First Asset Advisory Services from AMG Canada. Financial details were not released. “Being part of Russell will allow us to continue to provide our clients with the excellent service to which they are accustomed,” said Lisa […]

By Steven Lamb |December 2, 2005

1 min read

Tax cut needs provincial support

The markets may have applauded Ottawa’s decision to leave income trusts alone and instead lower the taxation of corporate dividends, but one economist says that doesn’t means the playing field is level between trusts and corporations. The Department of Finance has been given a bit of a free ride, Don Drummond, TD Bank’s chief economist […]

By Mark Brown |December 2, 2005

3 min read

Fund sales robust in November

November, traditionally viewed as the beginning of RRSP season, looks to be a solid month for fund sales. According to IFIC’s preliminary estimates, net sales will be in the range of $2 billion to $2.5 billion. That would make last month the strongest November since 2001, IFIC noted. “The profile of industry leaders in November […]

By Doug Watt |December 2, 2005

2 min read