
New tax strategies for medical professionals

Doctors and dentists in Ontario have a relatively new option at their disposal for income splitting and other tax planning strategies. At the end of 2005, the Government of Ontario expanded ownership rules for doctor and dentists’ professional corporations that give those clients the right to issue non-voting shares of the corporation to family members. […]

By Kate McCaffery |February 28, 2006

4 min read


(March 3, 2006) The C.D. Howe Institute is calling on the Bank of Canada to raise its trend setting overnight interest rate to 3.75%, citing rising inflation as a threat to economic growth. The BoC board will meet March 7 to decide on the direction of interest rates. The think-tank’s seven-member Monetary Policy Council was […]

By Staff |February 27, 2006

18 min read


Last year presented “ideal conditions” for merger and acquisition activity, leading to a near-record total value of $166 billion, according to investment bank Crosbie & Company. That’s second only to the all-time high set back in the heady days of 2000. “In contrast to the record year in 2000, the current M&A market is more […]

By Steven Lamb |February 27, 2006

3 min read

Moody’s to rate hedge funds

Anyone who’s watched a hedge fund blow up has asked the question: should investors have seen it coming? Gary Witt, a senior vice president and credit officer at Moody’s Investors Service, certainly has and the answer, more often than not, is yes. Come April, investors may not have to ask that question as often. Moody’s […]

By Mark Brown |February 27, 2006

2 min read