
Technology key to facing massive change

New trends in compliance and technology are forcing massive change in the dealer channel. But the lure of higher revenues and better profitability can give dealers the incentive to work with these trends, by using new tools to help deliver the package and still keep ahead of the regulatory and compliance curve. Panelists discussing new […]

By Kate McCaffery |September 22, 2006

3 min read


(September 21, 2006) The BCSC has issued a notice of hearing against Albert Stephen Budai, alleging fraud and illegal fund-raising. According to the notice, Budai bought and then sold shares in companies he profiled in the media, a fraudulent practice referred to as “scalping.” The alleged fraud took place between January 2001 and December 2004. […]

By Staff |September 21, 2006

3 min read

Category clutter

When is a bond fund, not a bond fund? For that matter when is an American fund, no-longer just an American fund? These are just some of the questions advisors and investors will have to grapple with Morningstar Canada rolls out its fund categories competing against those set by the Canadian Investment Funds Standards Committee. […]

By Mark Brown |September 21, 2006

5 min read

Fund advisors generally pleased with their dealers, survey finds

The vast majority of mutual fund advisors have a good working relationship with their dealers, who provide good value in areas such as compensation and support, according to a new survey. The ADVISOR Group study, presented on Thursday at Changing Channel: The Future of Mutual Fund Dealers conference in Collingwood, Ont., indicates that 88% of […]

By Doug Watt |September 21, 2006

2 min read