Economic Indicators

Recovery can’t last: Rosenberg

Hold onto your hats and grab your anti-nausea meds. If David Rosenberg is right, the latest correction isn’t over, not by a long shot. Rosenberg — called “the man with crystal balls” by Gluskin Sheff & Associates, the firm that appointed him chief economist and strategist earlier this year — says the current market rebound […]

By Kate McCaffery |September 23, 2009

4 min read

Canadian recovery to lead G7: CIBC

The Canadian economy will outperform the rest of the G7 next year, but there’s little cause for celebration, according to a report from the economics team at CIBC. Domestic strength will be counterbalanced by soft export markets, resulting in an anemic growth rate of just 2%. Government stimulus will play a role in the recovery, […]

By Steven Lamb |September 11, 2009

2 min read

Recovery will reshape the world: Scotia

Chalk one up for John Maynard Keynes. Massive government stimulus has had the desired result, spurring economic growth around the world and ending The Great Recession of 2008-2009, according to an economic report from Scotiabank. The world’s largest centrally planned economy, China, is set to lead the global recovery, with the U.S. — home to […]

By Steven Lamb |September 2, 2009

4 min read

Recession draws to a close

After 10 consecutive months of decline, Canada’s gross domestic product showed a glimmer of hope in June with a 0.1% rise in GDP. And there’s plenty of evidence that growth continued through July and August, according to report by Dr. Sherry Cooper, chief economist of BMO Capital Markets. Canada’s economy fell at an annualized rate […]

By Rayann Huang |August 31, 2009

2 min read