Economic Indicators

Canadian economy picking up steam: RBC

Improved credit markets, increased domestic spending and a robust stimulus investment lead the charge as Canada’s economic growth picks up pace, says a report by RBC Economics. “An economic recovery is solidly taking root in Canada with the full impact of stimulus spending, historically low interest rates and improved credit markets all taking effect this […]

By Vikram Barhat |March 11, 2010

2 min read

New mortgage rules pile onto HST

When Finance Minister Jim Flaherty recently brought in changes to Canada’s mortgage rules, Warren Cooney gave the new requirements a bit of a shoulder shrug. “The simple answer is no,” said the 45 year-old Toronto insurance executive when asked whether the government’s increased financing requirements would affect his decision to purchase a new home. Similarly, […]

By Phil DeMont |March 4, 2010

5 min read

Consumer confidence edges higher: RBC

It could be the promise of spring, just around the corner, but Canadian’s were more optimistic in February, according to RBC. Consumer confidence edged higher, to a reading of 109, compared to 106 in January. A slight majority (53%) of Canadians describe the economy as good compared to 47% who said it was bad. That’s […]

By Steven Lamb |March 1, 2010

2 min read

No quick fix for eurozone problems

Blog Polls All eyes are on the European Union as it deals with a sovereign debt crisis so potentially disastrous that “the weave that is the European Union is being torn apart at its periphery,” in the words of Dennis Gartman, the influential editor of The Gartman Letter. “These problems are cultural, they are structural, […]

By Brenda Craig |February 26, 2010

4 min read