Economic Indicators

Promises, promises: NDP borrows Liberal policy

Another day on the election trail and the pickings are slim on the financial planning front. The Conservatives appear to have switched to the social agenda, promising once again to scrap the long gun registry. The Liberals took Sunday to recap their agenda on education, family care, and strengthening pensions. Speaking of pensions, the NDP […]

By Staff |April 4, 2011

2 min read

Despite hiring rebound, Americans downbeat on jobs

Consumer confidence may be on the rise in the U.S., but almost half of Americans believe it is more difficult now to find employment than it was a year ago, according to results from the March RBC Consumer Outlook Index. According to the index, which surveyed more than 1,000 Americans, 49% believe job hunting is […]

By Staff |April 1, 2011

2 min read

Promises, promises: Déjà vu all over again

Friday was rehash day on the campaign trail, with all parties reminding the populace of programs they have already promised. The Conservatives trotted out six measures that were in the March 22 budget, including: The Liberals expanded on their previously announced family care plan, pledging $1 billion a year to fund: Speaking of healthcare, the […]

By Staff |April 1, 2011

1 min read

Promises, promises: Trade pair, daycare, clean air

After a poor showing on Wednesday, the Conservatives came out swinging again on Thursday, promising if they were elected, the party would complete free trade deals with India and the European Union. The party pointed out that during its tenure at the helm, new free trade agreements have been signed with eight countries and that […]

By Staff |March 31, 2011

2 min read