Economic Indicators

What will a new budget look like? Have your say

Stephen Harper framed the election campaign as a referendum on Jim Flaherty’s March 22 budget and ran on his economic track record. Having secured a majority government, will the Conservatives table the same budget, or will they tinker with that original plan? Tell us what you think. Will there be additional tax cuts? New spending […]

By Staff |May 3, 2011

1 min read

Fed signals end to QE2

The Federal Reserve is signalling that its $600 billion Treasury bond-buying program will end in June as planned because the economy has strengthened and companies are starting to hire more. Ending a two-day meeting Wednesday, the Fed made no changes to the program. The decision was unanimous. The bond purchases were intended to lower loan […]

By Wire services |April 27, 2011

2 min read

Think tank conjures massive tax burden

The average Canadian family pays more in taxes than it does on the necessities of life, according to a study released by the Fraser Institute. Of course, this depends on what you consider a tax—and how you define “necessity.” According to the study, the average family had an income of $72,393 in 2010, and spent […]

By Staff |April 26, 2011

2 min read

U.S. politics threaten AAA-rating: HSBC

Despite a growing of risk of a credit rating downgrade, the U.S. remains in denial and unwilling to shake off its decade long fiscal laxity. Rather than cutting to address the disturbing deterioration in fiscal and debt metrics, the U.S. administration remains fixated on spending, says Philip Poole, global head of macro and investment strategy, […]

By Vikram Barhat |April 26, 2011

3 min read