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Tax News
Almost every succession plan for business owners involves the disposition of corporate shares. It might happen as part of an estate freeze, other reorganization or an outright sale to the next generation. Although share dispositions, including sales and transfers, often result in the realization of capital gains, there are opportunities clients should certainly take advantage […]
By Gena Katz |July 12, 2010
3 min read
There was no mention of it in the Federal Budget Speech, but there is a very important proposal in the Budget Plan that could have serious implications for wealth advisors, particularly those involved in sophisticated tax planning. It has to do with requiring the reporting of certain tax avoidance transactions that fall outside existing tax […]
June 29, 2010
4 min read
In Canada, when an individual dies, he or she is deemed to have sold their assets just before death – a sale that generally results in tax payable by the deceased’s estate. For non-registered assets such as personally held stocks, bonds, mutual funds and recreational real estate, the tax is generally based on the difference […]
By Wilmot George |June 24, 2010
6 min read
By Gena Katz |June 21, 2010
Investors have been enjoying a broad equity market rally for the past year, but many market commentators are sounding cautious about future gains. It’s a stock picker’s market now, the refrain goes, suggesting that the easy money has been made. On the fixed income side of the portfolio, yields remain stubbornly low, and investors are […]
By Steven Lamb |June 7, 2010
7 min read
Here’s a know-your-clients question. How many of your clients own vacation homes? If you were to add up all the cottages, condos and time shares, you might be surprised at the extent of second home ownership. Indeed, the value of vacation homes in Canada seems to have exploded over the past decade. Statistics Canada, which […]
By Michelle Munro |May 27, 2010
5 min read
By Steven Lamb |May 12, 2010
The federal budget has key changes that will impact ownership and disposition of employer stock options. For those of you with clients who participate in public company employer stock option plans or whose investment portfolios currently include shares acquired under such plans, last month’s federal budget included some important changes that may affect strategies relating […]
By Gena Katz |May 10, 2010
As an advisor you now have another valuable product on your shelf to introduce to your clients. Most people are trying to catch up with what a Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) is these days, never mind the “group” part. Let’s start at the beginning and walk through it together. Years ago, the Canadian government […]
By Sue Ricketts |May 5, 2010
Canadian resident investors who hold U.S.-based (or other foreign-based) mutual funds in their non-registered accounts should pay close attention to the potentially negative tax consequences arising from the fact these funds are not considered pass-through type vehicles under Canadian law when it comes to the tax nature of their distributions. Investor Donald Ian Moyes learned […]
By Jamie Golombek |May 3, 2010
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