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Tax News
It is a great day when you receive a large sum of money. Perhaps you just sold a business; maybe you received an inheritance from your parents; it could be an award settlement from a legal claim; possibly a divorce settlement; or, maybe even a lottery winning. And for most Canadians, it's not unusual to have lots of room to deposit a large sum to their RRSP.
By Blair Corkum |February 10, 2011
4 min read
As a professional, significant tax planning opportunities can become available when you incorporate. These include splitting income with family members, taking advantage of low corporate tax rates to defer tax and possibly the capital gains exemption if you sell your corporation.
By Bruce Ball |February 10, 2011
With so many plans to choose from, how do we best advise our clients on the optimal tax-preferred savings strategy?
February 10, 2011
3 min read
While tax-advantaged vehicles such as RRSPs and tax-free savings accounts are a sure bet for most investors, they are limited by the investor’s contribution room. Once that has been exhausted, investing in taxable accounts is the next step. However, at that point, the tax impact of making such a move must be investigated.
By André Fok Kam |February 9, 2011
7 min read
We’re about to enter tax season. Not only will clients be calling with tax return preparation questions, but now is also a good time to get a head start on your own tax return by gathering documentation, slips and other records needed to substantiate your own business expenses. A recent tax case (St-Onge v The […]
By Jamie Golombek |February 8, 2011
Blended families are increasingly common and as an advisor you’ll likely have clients with children from one or more prior relationships. In most blended family situations, each partner wants to ensure that when they die, their children, as well as their new love, will be treated fairly and will receive as much financial support as possible.
By Floyd Gradley |February 4, 2011
9 min read
It’s RRSP season. Inevitably, clients who have waited until this final month to make 2010 contributions will ask lots of questions. Beyond “Should I make a contribution at all?” and “What should I invest in?” there is, “Should I contribute to a spousal RRSP?”
By Gena Katz |February 2, 2011
Recent RBC survey data shows how many Canadians have TFSAs, and what they’re doing with them. Looking at the Canadian public as a whole, an overwhelming majority—77%—have heard about TFSAs, but less than half of this group has actually opened one. About 20% have withdrawn money from their TFSAs—most often to cover an emergency. Younger […]
By Staff |February 1, 2011
1 min read
Tax slips — whether T4s for employment income, T3s for trust distributions or T5s for investment income — are the CRA’s way of ensuring taxpayers don’t forget to report all their income under Canada’s self-assessment tax system.
By Jamie Golombek |January 28, 2011
Can a payment before retirement be a retiring allowance? Our company’s information line has received a string of similar inquiries from advisors in the same locality recently. The issue is the tax treatment of certain employment related payments.
January 12, 2011
2 min read
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