News and resources for Canada's top financial advisors
Tax News
With at least three decades to go before retirement, Josh’s portfolio is invested in global mutual funds, commodity stocks and specialty funds. Through diligent saving, he has managed to put away $110,000.
By Lisa MacColl |December 3, 2012
5 min read
Doctors, Dentists, lawyers and other professionals make great clients. They’re usually high income earners with steady and predictable cash flow. Most will fund their own retirements, so they want capital preservation. One surefire preservation method is to save on taxes. Here’s how.
By Stella Gasparro |December 3, 2012
3 min read
Economic Indicators
Many hardworking citizens feel the tax system is unfair, but they're luckier than they think.
By Wire services |November 30, 2012
1 min read
Canadians only have about a month to take advantage of year-end tax savings. “There are a number of easy ways for Canadians to reduce taxes that they might otherwise owe, but in many cases you need to act before December 31,” says CIBC’s tax and estate planning expert, Jamie Golombek. Read: TFSA contribution limit increased […]
By Staff |November 30, 2012
2 min read
The Canada Revenue Agency is increasing its efforts to audit and prosecute promoters of tax evasion schemes.
By Staff |November 28, 2012
Planning and Advice
Leveraging, or borrowing to invest, can be a very effective strategy.
November 26, 2012
6 min read
Canadians will be able to save more in their TFSAs starting in 2013
By Staff |November 26, 2012
U.S. Business owners and investors are scrambling to shield themselves from potentially higher taxes next year, reports The New York Times.
By Staff |November 19, 2012
You won’t get away with it, so fess up and clear the air
By Joyce Taylor |November 16, 2012
4 min read
Registered accounts aren’t for everyone
By Jamie Golombek |November 13, 2012
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