Estate Planning

Get clients to make estate decisions

Over one-third of Canadians don’t have a valid will; even at the low end, that’s a sorry state of affairs. If clients don’t want the division of their assets to end up in court, help them make decisions now.

By Philip Porado |July 20, 2012

2 min read

Can clients trust their heirs?

Don’t let irresponsible kids delay your succession or estate planning—a unique trust structure lets you maintain control of assets

By Paul Gibney and Brent Pidborochynski |July 19, 2012

4 min read

An estate planning checklist

Get started with our 24-point plan

By Mike George |July 18, 2012

5 min read

Hiring an executor

Misappropriation of your money, lost family treasures, and feuding heirs are every business owner’s biggest nightmare. Here’s how to ensure you pick the best manager for your estate

By James Dolan |July 17, 2012

4 min read