Estate Planning

Estate planning with style

The last thing clients want to think about are funerals.

June 17, 2013

1 min read

How to handle other people’s money

The roles and responsibilities of trustees.

By Elaine Blades |June 14, 2013

7 min read

Should clients rent or buy?

Historically, Young people have bought houses after getting married. These days, though, many newlyweds have no choice but to rent in expensive cities, while affluent singles are buying larger homes in suburbs and exurbs.

By Caroline Hanna |June 13, 2013

3 min read

Tax avoidance can damage your reputation: STEP chief

People aren’t as averse to paying taxes as they once were. “Twenty years ago both the government and the public as a whole took the attitude that aggressive tax avoidance was fine if it passed muster legally,” David Harvey, chief executive of STEP Worldwide told during the association’s Toronto conference.

By Dean DiSpalatro |June 12, 2013

3 min read