News and resources for Canada's top financial advisors
Your Business
Applicants will still be required to submit a comprehensive financial plan and complete a technical exam
By Staff |October 5, 2020
1 min read
Examining which investment method produces better returns
By Benjamin Felix |August 25, 2020
15 min read
Advisors could face suspensions if their firms don’t report credits on time
By Greg Dalgetty |December 20, 2019
2 min read
Programs will be mandatory for those seeking the CFP
By Staff |October 2, 2019
The IIROC cycle ends Dec. 31, 2017
By Staff |December 15, 2017
Tax Strategies
Take this CE Course, which consists of a slide presentation and accompanying audio.
By Michelle Connolly |March 17, 2017
The authors identify 34 concrete, detailed strategies to improve client relationships, perform better discovery and give better advice.
By Anne Manson and Doug Towill |November 10, 2016
22 min read
Planning and Advice
It used to be we needed to upgrade our office computers every three to five years. It was a major undertaking every time. Now, you can upgrade your hardware in 20 minutes at no cost. How? Take your old hardware and load one of these options on it. 1. Ubuntu, Mint or a similar Linux […]
By Kevin Cork |November 4, 2016
3 min read
Raymond Kerzérho, director of research at PWL Capital, shows how to measure the impact of portfolio rebalancing on return and risk.
By Raymond Kerzérho |July 19, 2016
8 min read
The authors describe a methodology to calculate the expected returns and risk level of stocks and bonds, and how it can be used in clients’ financial plans
By Dan Bortolotti and Raymond Kerzérho |May 25, 2016
12 min read
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