News and resources for Canada's top financial advisors
Planning and Advice
If you're going business trips and vacations, here are some apps that help ease stress.
By Wire services |January 14, 2013
1 min read
FINRA has issued a voluntary Interim Form for Funding Portals designed for prospective crowdfunding portals.
By Staff |January 11, 2013
2 min read
Twitter feeds of big firms can be boring – really boring. Caution is usually the watchword, but some step away from the script from time to time and the move can go viral.
The Financial Times reports the U.S. Federal Communication Commission is looking to avoid a Wi-Fi “traffic jam” by opening up “a ‘significant tranche’ of additional spectrum.”
By Staff |January 10, 2013
How to convert these files properly.
By David Dagley |January 9, 2013
A recent study found smartphone users are at a 33% increased risk for identity theft. However, there are things you can do to stay one step ahead and protect your identity. BMO Harris Bank suggests the following strategies to keep your information from falling into the wrong hands.
By Staff |January 4, 2013
PriceMetrix examined data on the role of retail investors in the Facebook IPO, identifying several broad trends:
By Staff |January 3, 2013
Microsoft released Windows 8 this past October, and it might be worth a look.
By Wire services |January 3, 2013
Market Insights
An app called Snapchat has withstood a head-on challenge from social giant Facebook.
By Wire services |January 2, 2013
Google’s Android system is fast closing the gap on Apple as developers intensify their efforts for creating apps for the former’s smartphone platform. Apple’s app store, one of tech giant’s key edge over rivals, has come under threat from the burgeoning app store on Google smartphones, according to this FT report. For long it’s been […]
By Staff |December 27, 2012
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