Why branding still matters

By Fortunato Restagno, The Personal Coach | March 18, 2009 | Last updated on March 18, 2009
4 min read
  • Marlatt – Creating plans for life
  • Barks Financial – Caring people. Sound advice.
  • CoralLife – Discover a new view
  • Seligman & Associates Ltd. – Knowledge. Guidance. Caring.

Advisors who have previously survived tough times are often prepared for a recession or downturn. They use the time to focus and build their brand strategy. By working now to get a solid brand in place, you will be top of mind with clients as the cycle starts to turn.

Fortunato Restagno is a brand specialist with The Personal Coach. He is the co-founder of the MasterPoint Program™, a complete brand strategy program designed specifically for financial advisors.


Fortunato Restagno, The Personal Coach

  • Marlatt – Creating plans for life
  • Barks Financial – Caring people. Sound advice.
  • CoralLife – Discover a new view
  • Seligman & Associates Ltd. – Knowledge. Guidance. Caring.

Advisors who have previously survived tough times are often prepared for a recession or downturn. They use the time to focus and build their brand strategy. By working now to get a solid brand in place, you will be top of mind with clients as the cycle starts to turn.

Fortunato Restagno is a brand specialist with The Personal Coach. He is the co-founder of the MasterPoint Program™, a complete brand strategy program designed specifically for financial advisors.
